Highland County Society Radio/Telethon Moves to New Location

There will be some changes for this year's Highland County Society Radio/Telethon for Children and Adults. Rocky Coss says they will move the March 25th event to the newly renovated Hillsboro Orpheum.


Coss says Dale Barton purchased the historic building and is opening it to the public for various uses.


Coss says along with the live radio broadcast on WSRW, this year they are also live-streaming the radio/telethon on their website at www.HICOSO.org, where you will also be able to make on-line donations.


The radio/telethon will be March 25th between 7pm-9pm.


The radio/telethon, named in honor of the late WSRW broadcaster Ernie Blankenship, has been going for 40+ years, raising $3.4 million.


Listen to our iHeart Media Communique with Rocky Coss on the podcast link below...

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