Highland Radio-Telethon Postponed Due to Virus Concerns

Due to the fast moving developments regarding the orders and recommendations of public authorities concerning the coronavirus, the Hillsboro and Greenfield Rotary Clubs have postponed their March 25th Radio-Telethon to a later date. 

Rocky Coss, chairman of the 48th Annual Ernie Blankenship Memorial Radio-Telethon for Highland County Society of Children and Adults, says the decision was made in light of the CDC's recommendations to have no public gatherings of more than 10 people. He hopes that can be rescheduled in 60 days or less but will wait until it is safe for volunteers as well as the donors and their representatives.

Coss says they currently have a cash reserve in order to keep the Society operating, but funds that would be generated through the radio-telethon are still needed. The event raises approximately $100,000 each year.

Contributions already made to date will be deposited into the Society's accounts and the pledge cards will be retained for announcement during the event. Anyone wishing to go ahead with their contribution now can send a check payable to HCSCA, P.O. Box 258, Hillsboro, Ohio and it will be announced at the event when it is held.

Listen to our full interview with Rocky Coss on our podcast link found below....

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