Highland Radio-Telethon Goes Online To Raise At Least $80,000

The 48th Annual Ernie Blankenship Radio-Telethon for Highland County Society for Children & Adults held their event online for the first time, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The broadcast on WSRW Radio was done live at The Orpheum in Hillsboro.

This year’s challenges, included limiting the crowd size at the two hour remote broadcast.

Despite that, the radio-telethon still raised a grand total of $90,000, thanks to additional donations that came in late Wednesday and early Thursday. Rocky Coss says they will still be taking contributions from those who were unable to call in Wednesday night or may have forgotten about the event. Checks should be payable to HCSCA and mailed to P.O. Box 258, Hillsboro or dropped off at First State Bank on Harry Sauner Road..

First State Bank won the auction on the Heisman Trophy signed by Archie Griffin and went to Rocky Coss for his 40 years of dedication to the society.

In it's 48 year run, the broadcasts have raised over $3 million in donations for needy children and adults in Highland County.

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