1950's "Mothers March" Recalled in Hillsboro

An historical milestone was recalled over the weekend in Hillsboro. The 1950's "Marching Mothers of Hillsboro" saw mothers marching for their children's right to a fair education.

In the 1950’s, Hillsboro Schools refused to follow the federal mandate from the Supreme Court ruling of "Brown vs Board of Education" which integrated schools. 17 mothers and 32 children spent years marching to Webster elementary school where their children were refused entrance.

The Marching Mother’s walk from the bottom of the hill on Walnut Street all the way across town to Webster elementary became legendary.

The daily marches led to a lawsuit that gave them victory as the first successful integration case in Ohio.

Decades later, marchers are being honored by the city of Hillsboro with a bench dedicated to their determination.

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