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BEST Free love gifts, GB Answer, & Planets of love
It's all about LOVE, so if you missed the answers to the Riddles/Google Busters, or want to catch up on your LOVE astro forecast, it's on this FREE replay of the B&J Show on Friday, Feb. 14 2025! Get your Love on and always be in on the know for FREE! Subscribe to the B&J Replay podcast and thank you!
Top Worst Love Gifts Therapy
Love in the sky, Bad Love Gifts make Great Therapy and your Google buster/Riddle Me this answers! Catch up on the show FREE! and THANK YOU!
Valentines Doggie Style
Top Valentine pet gifts, Google Buster with a twist, and love is in the sky? perhaps...Catch up on our B&J Replay podcast!
Best Free Love Gifts, Brain Busters, Love Signs and more
What are the BEST love gifts that don't cost a thing? Get some great ideas, plus your Brain Buster week trivia answers and catch up with BNJ Replay!
Top Childhood Rooms Turned Into....
What did your childhood bedroom turn into? Plus your Google Buster answers AND EXTRAS so make sure you subscribe FREE and thank you for making us your #1 preset on the FREE iheartradio App! You keep us on and free by subscribing! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!
Best Soups 4 YOUR soul, BEST color for productivity & GB Answer!
Google Buster answer and extras on the dail8y B&J Replay podcast, so catch up on what ya missed and subscribe for FREE so you never miss a moment! PLUS you help support the continuation of providing you Billy and Judi anywhere any time for FREE so THANK YOU!
Friday I'm in Love...again!
Open Phone Friday, anything goes including your GB Answers! Listen and Subscribe for FREE! Todays GB Q/A: Phone chargers are the most common thing left behind in hotel rooms. THIS is the second. What is it? Answer: Undies! (EWWW!) Bonus Buster Q/A: Q: 25% of us are actually relieved when this happens? A: When friends cancel plans
Divine Intervention
Amazing Divine Interventions that are unbelievable! Plus your Google and Bonus Buster answers on todays B&J Replay!
Do NOT look at my texts! Catch up & GB Answers!
Someone grabs your phone, would you rather they NOT see your texts or pics? Surprising answers plus your GB & Bonus Buster trivia Answers and more! FREE on the replay podcast! Todays GB: According to a recent USA Today poll, 31% of us "never" do this -- although experts say we should try to do it every day. What is it? ANSWER: Floss! (Do you floss daily?) Bonus buster Q/A: Q: 70% of us have made an enemy @work because we did ______? A: Clipped our nails at our desk
Top Movie Quotes & GB Answer
Get your GB Answers, life hacks, tea and extras FREE on our B&J Replay podcast! It helps support the show keeping it free always! GOOGLE BUSTER: THIS is more likely to happen in the kitchen than any other room in the house. What is it? A: An Argument BONUS QUESTION: Q: In the mid 1990’s 50% of American adults did this everyday- Now it’s 64%? A: Drink coffee